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Goldsmith and Roberts Leave Indelible Mark

Professors Marc Goldsmith and Dean Roberts, who began their careers at Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ in different eras of the last century, recently retired after a combined 91 years of teaching tens of thousands of students. Their contributions are hard to measure, but the standard they set for excellence in teaching remains a constant at the college.

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President Espy Delivers Juneteenth Remarks

Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ President Tracy Y. Espy delivered the keynote address at the 34th Juneteenth Commemoration Ceremony and Flag Raising in Norwich, Conn., which took place June 16 at the David Ruggles Freedom Courtyard at Norwich City Hall. The event was sponsored by the NAACP Norwich Branch and Global City Norwich.

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Ice Cream Trailer Rolls with Help from Students

Michael’s Dairy will be hitting the road soon with its much-loved ice cream, thanks to a newly acquired trailer outfitted to serve up frozen treats and input from Prof. James Patsalides’ Business 311: Entrepreneurship I class. The trailer took its “maiden journey” at Commencement 2023.

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Renowned Disabilities Advocate Shares Story, Poetry, Inspiration

Spoken-word poet, advocate for people with disabilities, and motivational speaker LeDerick Horne has appeared at the White House, the United Nations, Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week and State Departments of Education across the United States. He recently spoke at Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ to students, faculty and staff, sharing his poetry and story of growing up with a learning disability as part of a program hosted by the Bentsen Learning Center (BLC) and sponsored by the Aramont Foundation.

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New Academic Programs for In-Demand Careers

Answering a need to prepare students to pursue in-demand jobs—and to provide the economy with workplace-ready employees—Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ is unveiling several new academic options starting the Fall 2023 semester.

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Building Local Partnerships to Benefit Students, Employers

Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ recently hosted a Community Partner Breakfast that included representatives from 28 organizations in Southeastern Connecticut who joined Ã÷ÐǺÚÁÏ staff and faculty to explore partnerships to provide student learning opportunities and meet employer needs. The organizations represented both current and potential partners in behavioral health, culture and tourism, disability services, education, healthcare, immigration support services, mental health services, and suicide prevention and awareness.

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